Ways to donate

There are so many ways you can help make an impact on the future of cancer research

Workplace giving (Payroll giving)

Workplace giving is an easy way to support Peter Mac. For organisations, it’s also a great way to build team morale, and to demonstrate to clients and suppliers that you are committed to Peter Mac’s work. For employees, it’s a simple way for you to make donations from your pre-tax salary and not have to worry about holding onto receipts.

Organisations involved in this type of giving typically make a commitment to promote workplace giving to their staff. Many organisations also choose to match the donations made by their employees.

Once a staff member has indicated they would like to support Peter Mac through workplace giving, regular donations are automatically deducted from their pre-tax salary via your payroll system or through an online giving platform. Your staff can decide the amount they would like to donate.

Workplace giving is simple to administer, and gives your employees tax advantages. It can also provide Peter Mac with a stable stream of support, so it’s a great way to help fight cancer.

For further information or to speak to us about your wishes, please contact our Community and Events Manager, Sonya Kennedy on (03) 855 98443 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Workplace Giving FAQ's 

 How do I get started? 

To set up workplace giving at your organisation, all you need to do is set up payroll donations and then encourage your staff to sign up.


To find out more information on how you can get your organisation involved in workplace giving and become a workplace giving partner, please contact us via the form below, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 1800 111 440.

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