Having chosen to remember Peter Mac in this Will, Ian is one of our Friends for Life. He shares our belief that research is the most powerful tool in the fight against cancer.
A former patient at Peter Mac, he has experienced firsthand the incredible impact cancer research can have on cancer treatments. We spoke to Ian to ask him why he made the decision include a gift to Peter Mac in his Will.
Peter Mac’s research work could save lives around the globe. A gift in your Will will save lives. As a cancer treatment success story, I am an eyewitness to what a specialist cancer facility can achieve.
Ian’s gift means he will have a lasting impact on the future of cancer research, helping generations to come.
“I would be grateful if my estate could have an impact on the future patient community, both here and, via ongoing research, internationally. It’s all immensely worthwhile and even if you’ve never been hit by cancer personally, everyone knows someone who has.
I hope my gift will improve survival rates of cancer patients and indeed save lives here and around the globe.
We are so thankful to compassionate people like Ian for their generosity in safeguarding future generations from cancer.
Every gift in Will, no matter how large or small, has been and will continue to be, a lasting legacy to overcoming cancer.
For further information or to speak to us about your wishes, please contact our Gifts in Wills and Estates Manager, Bethan Hazell on (03) 8559 6781 or email